
Small Stitches Embroidery producer company Limited was established under the aegis of O/o development commissioner handicraft (Ministry of textiles Government of India) in May 2023. Gorakhpur, has been celebrated for its magnificent historical heritage and handicraft works. Regarded as one of the multicultural cities of Uttar Pradesh, Gorakhpur emerged as a culture that integrates emotional warmth, courtesy, love for gracious living, and a degree of sophistication. The history of city has always been a profound promoter of fine arts and crafts, be it Terracota, Zari Zardoji, or Embroidery work. He took a keen interest in this form of c r e a t i o n a n d encouraged his nation to acquire this rare degree of perfection. This led to a major d e v e l o p m e n t o f c r a f t sma n s h i p i n G o r a k h p u r a r t s . Gorakhpur is famous f o r i t s s k i l f u l embroidery. It is an art form that involves complex and artistic hand embroidery. Along with Terracota craft Embroidery work is one of the most popular and proud creations of Gorakhpur. Believed to be introduced by the Empress Nur Jahan, wife of Mughal Emperor Jahangir, this traditional embroidery style involves 36 types of stitches, including Tappa, Jali, Pashni, Tepchi, Dhum, and Khatao. The work is done with fabrics such as chiffon silk, muslin, organdie, and organza, which result in comfortable and regallooking clothing. Hand Embroidery is the art of decorative stitching on fabric with needle and thread. There are many types of floss, yarn and fibers to stitch with, as well as a plethora of stitches to use. Hand Embroidery adds a decorative element to quilts, garments and a c c e s s o r i e s . H a n d embroidery has been used by quilters on all types of quilts from crazy quilts, applique quilts and pieced quilts, traditional as well as modern or contemporary quilts. Embroidery may include ribbons, beads and buttons. There are many resources for hand embroidery stitches. Hand embroidery can be decorative as well as practical. Small Stitches Embroidery producer company Limited has identified this cluster is defined as a geographic concentration (a city/town/few adjacent villages and their adjoining areas) of units producing near similar products and facing common opportunities and threats. An artisan cluster is defined as g e o g r a p h i c a l l y c o n c e n t r a t e d ( m o s t l y i n villages/townships) household units p r o d u c i n g handicraft/handloomm products. In a typical cluster, such producers often belong to a t r a d i t i o n a l c o m m u n i t y , producing the longe s t a b l i s h e d p r o d u c t s f o r g e n e r a t i o n s . I n d e e d , ma n y artisan clusters are centuries old Artisan. These artisans were working in scattered manner and most of them are getting order on

third party basis were they are unable to get right price of their products Small Stitches Embroidery producer company Limited is an initiative of O/o development commissioner handicraft GOI, New Delhi under Make in India campaign of Honorable prime minster Shri. Narendra Modi with an bjective to accompanist artisans under one-roof where they carry on business of production, processing, promotion ,designing, marketing, branding on self driven approach. Overall motive of Producer Company is to generate Livelihood, Skill up gradation, increase entrepreneurship activities,

e x p l o r e n e w m a r k e t o p p o r t u n i t i e s both nationally a n d a b r o a d , provide digital

p l a t f o r m o f marketing etc. to the stakeholders of the company. C o m p a n y comprises of five

directors and ten members, it involved m o r e t h a n 8 5 0 artisans shareholders of Ranibag, Rsoolpur, Sadar, Sardarnagar etc. Our producer company most of the artisans are excellent

in their art and a lot needed to be trained mo r e o n i t ; o u r companies aimed to nature their skills and develop entrepreneurship quality among them. This effort intends to create opportunities and employment for skilled individuals, encourage entrepreneurial development and bring them to the point where they are self sufficient and confident about theiringenuity and accomplishments. The hope is to create an environment that empowers the craftsmen of the country and provides recognition for their hard work on a worldwide scale, helps them boost revenue, and drives profit both domestically and internationally with their prowess. This initiative works to strengthen business and trade ties with countries all over the world, and, most significantly, give India a global reputation in the art, handicraft, and manufacturing sectors. P r o d u c e r Company provides s u p p o r t t o t h e i r shareholders in capacity b u i l d i n g t r a i n i n g program, EDP program, Craft demonstration

program and other marketing platform likes Exhibitions, trade fare and other such events to explore new markets with support of O/o development commissioner handicraft (Ministry of textiles Government of India) and other agencies. Our company is intend to increase Research and development activities in production activities in handicraft sector to develop new proto types

according to market needs and committed to deliver quality products at best price to your door steps.


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